Oct 072016
Hugh Mackenzie and the Venerable Deborah Kraft, Co-Chairs of the Episcopal Election Process Committee, bring to your attention the following letter received from the Reverend Dr. Jay Koyle, withdrawing his candidacy from the upcoming Episcopal election:
The Rev. Dr. D. Jay Koyle
Thursday, October 6, 2016
The Ven. Deborah Kraft and Mr. Hugh Mackenzie, co-chairs,
Episcopal Election Process Committee,
Diocese of Algoma
Dear Deborah and Hugh:
I write to inform you that, after much prayer and discernment with close confidants, I am withdrawing my name as a candidate for Bishop of Algoma.
I have been blessed and humbled by the overwhelming encouragement and support I have received from so many people. I am particularly grateful to my wife, Susan, whose belief in me as a candidate has been unwavering. However, as I continue to reflect upon the ministry priorities that claim my heart on the diocesan, national, and international levels of the church, and as I consider my deep desire to focus on my new family in this early stage of our life together, I have come to question the advisability of seeing through this election process.
I do not make this decision easily or without a significant degree of regret. I felt some responsibility to allow my name to stand, and found great excitement in the possibilities and convictions I named in response to the candidate questionnaire. I am persuaded, too, that I have a number of gifts to offer, many of which are fitting for episcopal ministry. However, at this time, it seems that those gifts are best offered as a priest through ministry concentrating on discipleship formation and congregational vitality. I look forward to ongoing service in my present position, continuing to help in shaping the vision and initiatives of the Diocese as we embark upon our partnership with a new bishop.
The candidates for election and the members of Synod will remain in my prayers over the week ahead. As always, I ask you to uphold me in your prayers.
In Christ,
The Rev. Dr. Jay Koyle

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