Opportunity to discuss Marriage Canon Amendment

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Apr 232016

book-discussion-groupA motion to amend the Marriage Canon will appear before General Synod in July. In preparation for this, the Commission on the Marriage Canon prepared a document entitled “‘This Holy Estate: The Report of the Commission on the Marriage Canon.” All people interested in reading and considering the document are invited to join me for a series of discussions on the first three Mondays of May (2, 9, 16) from 7-8:15 p.m. The document may be found here: http://www.anglican.ca/about/ccc/cogs/cmc/submissions/ and we will use the study guide that comes with it. The assumption is that these discussions will be undertaken with an open heart and respect for the perspectives of all at the table. A venue will be chosen once I know what the interest level is. Please also note that while these discussions have been encouraged by the national church, they are not taking place under the auspices of any particular parish. Please contact Patti Brace at 705-673-1216 or pbrace@fibreop.ca.