28 February Deanery Newsletter

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newsletter_icon11Greetings everyone on this St. David’s Day .  It is good to be inside enjoying the blessings of family, food, music, conversation, laughter, and warmth, when so many in this world do not have even one of these.  We take so much for granted but this time of Lent makes me much more conscious of how truly blessed we are in the Western World.  Hopefully during our Lenten journey each of us is able to take time every day to pause and reflect on the rigours endured by Jesus, the disciples, missionary priests and bishops throughout the ages, to clear the ground and plant seeds of faith which have endured through to today and how we might do the same within our families, our places of work and in the world.

To that end, click here to read this week’s Deanery Digest which is full of information about events joining us with others in the community while providing opportunities to deepen our own lives in faith during this Lenten season
