“Supporting those who Support”

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Feb 032012


Are you a pastoral visitor? Are you involved in hospital and nursing home visiting? Are you caring for or supporting someone experiencing major life transitions?

This workshop is for you!

Emmanuel College and the Manitou Intentional Learning Community

invite you to

“Supporting those who Support” with Rev. Dr. Anne Simmonds

on Saturday, March 3rd 2012 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

at St Peter’s United Church, York Street, Sudbury

Caring for and supporting those within our congregations who are experiencing major life transitions such as illness, aging, family care-giving and death can be a challenge for trained clergy.  Lay people feel even more inadequate to the task.  This workshop is designed for anyone who wants to increase their skill and comfort level in this area.  Drawing on the inherent spiritual and theological resources and using focused conversations, reflection and small group sharing, participants will enhance their ability to provide supportive care to others, while increasing their comfort level with similar issues in their own life and family.

Rev. Dr. Anne Simmonds, adjunct faculty at Emmanuel College, is a gifted retreat and workshop facilitator, spiritual director and pastoral counsellor with specific training in practices for balance and healing of body, mind and spirit.  She was Minister of Pastoral Care at Rosedale United Church in Toronto, and is a former nurse and hospital chaplain.

Click here for the Registration Form in pdf or Word format

Click here for the Poster